Ok Ive been trying this for hours now read lots of help and advice still not getting past " Network error: Connection timed out" I change connection time from 15 sec to 60 or more. then saved my session But it does not seem to really save it each time I need to type in all the numbers again.
- Host Name: The host name is your iPhone's IP address (To find this go to Settings > WiFi > Blue Arrow Next To Your Network, and look at your IP address)
- Port number: Leave this at 22
- User name: This is always "root"
- Password: This is always "alpine" (On 1.1.3... On other firmwares it may be "dottie")
- Private key file: Leave this blank
- File protocol: SFTP with "Allow SCP fallback" checked
Each time Always the same
some where I read "make sure you're connected to your Wi-Fi on PC and phone."
Wi-Fi on phone is ok but How do I check on my Win-XP...?
Thanks to anyone that can help!!!