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Topic review


Re: what is globalscape and how can I verify

chandrika wrote:

Not sure what is globalscape.
How do I check?

What do you see as "SSH implementation" on this dialog?

what is globalscape and how can I verify

Not sure what is globalscape.
How do I check?

Re: Incoming packet was garbled by decryption

What is your server? Maybe Globalscape?

Incoming packet was garbled by decryption

I am trying to copy .zip files from a remote Win2K+3 server to my laptop (Win XP prof). There are over 200 zip files some close to 1 GB.
I keep getting the above error message with a timer of 5 seconds. After 5 seconds, the FTP continues.
It appears, that the zip files ar fine and probably the contents too.
Is this a bug or is there a way to get rid of this message?
