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Re: "Connection timed out" when trying to connet with WINscp

You should better ask on iPhone-related form. All I know about iPhone is in the FAQ.

"Connection timed out" when trying to connet with WINscp

I recently jailbroke my iphone, and I downloaded the winSCP program to transfer files from my computer to my iphone.
But when I try to connect, I constantly get this connection error, and I have no idea what it is.
So hopefully you guys can help me out.
Here's just some basic information:

- The correct ip adress is written, and I only have one Wi-Fi connection.
- I use 2.2.1 iphone software version.
- I know the login name and the password for winSCP.
- The iphone is jailbroken.

Do I need any programs except for Itunes, winSCP and a jailbreaked iphone to do this?
PLease help.