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You already have my few logs with "Not Responding" and "Internal error" problems ;)

Please post a full log file showing the problem.

To generate log file, enable logging, log in to your server and do the operation and only the operation that causes the error. For posting extensive logs you may use pastebin or similar application. Note that passwords and passphrases not stored in the log. You may want to remove other data you consider sensitive though, such as host names, IP addresses, account names or file names (unless they are relevant to the problem). If you do not want to post the log publicly, you may email it to me. You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile. Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have emailed the log.

Winscp can't automatically reconect with messages with title "Lost connection":

Timeout detected.

Timeout detected.
Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer

Timeout detected.
Could not retrieve directory listing

Timeout detected.
Connection failed.

Timeout detected.
Type set to A

Timeout detected.
Type set to I

Disconnected from server
Could not retrieve directory listing
Timeout detected.
Type set to A

Plus sometimes output message:
error listing directory '/dir_name'
Invalid access to memory
With 2 buttons: "Ok" and "Help"

Anonymous wrote:

Oh, that I have missed for a long time.
I thought that "Automatically reconnect session, if it breaks during transfer" was the thing,
But I run into problem that winscp is expecting logon credentials in my case after a "lost connection" (Router restart or something (my isp isn't that stable)

WinSCP should restart the connection when it breaks during a transfer for whatever reason. So it does not for you, right? Can you post a log file showing that? Of course, supposing you are using the latest version...

Oh, that I have missed for a long time.
I thought that "Automatically reconnect session, if it breaks during transfer" was the thing,
But I run into problem that winscp is expecting logon credentials in my case after a "lost connection" (Router restart or something (my isp isn't that stable)

So please, we need this!

Thanks in beforehand

Reconnect after N seconds

Re: Automatically reconnect on lost connection

What should it do exactly?

Automatically reconnect on lost connection

WinSCP have option "Automatically reconnect session, if it breaks during transfer".
Can you add same option on "Lost connection"?