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Topic review


Re: Master Password

lisali wrote:

When choosing to store the password in the registry or the .ini files - is one more secure than the other?

Should be the same.

Master Password


Ok I see. I have now updated - many thanks for your reply.

When choosing to store the password in the registry or the .ini files - is one more secure than the other?

Many thanks!

Re: Need to set a master password - but there's no such option!

Master password functionality was introduced in 4.2.4 beta. So upgrade to 4.2.5.

Need to set a master password - but there's no such option!


As my WinSCP saved username/password for my FTP account were recently compromised, I am looking to secure them. I have already changed the password, and I'm now trying to set a master password as described here:

However, there's no such option in my WinSCP!?

I am using ver. 4.2.3 (build 494)

Many thanks!