Search found 12 posts

(Support and Bug Reports > What SFTP app is equivalent with WinSCP in quality and cleanness?)
What SFTP app is equivalent with WinSCP in quality and cleanness?

(Feature Requests > More granular drag and drop confirmation)
More granular drag and drop confirmation

(Automatic Bug Reports > Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::UpdateTransferLabel)
Invalid access to memory - TCustomScpExplorerForm::UpdateTransferLabel

(Support and Bug Reports > Newest RC, when you edit file and save, it does NOT reupload)
Newest RC, when you edit file and save, it does NOT reupload

(Support and Bug Reports > How do I select multiple *sites/sessions* (not files)?)
How do I select multiple *sites/sessions* (not files)?

(Support and Bug Reports > Since newest upgrade, Integration is not reading relative [local] paths)
Since newest upgrade, Integration is not reading relative [local] paths

(Support and Bug Reports > Since newest upgrade, Integration is not reading relative [local] paths)
still having issues

(Support and Bug Reports > Since newest upgrade, Integration is not reading relative [local] paths)
More images

(Support and Bug Reports > Since newest upgrade, Integration is not reading relative [local] paths)
Here they are, thanks

(Support and Bug Reports > Since newest upgrade, Integration is not reading relative [local] paths)
Since newest upgrade, Integration is not reading relative [local] paths

(Support and Bug Reports > How do I select multiple *sites/sessions* (not files)?)

(Support and Bug Reports > How do I select multiple *sites/sessions* (not files)?)
How do I select multiple *sites/sessions* (not files)?