SynchronizeDirectories fails with "Item with the same name already exists"
I am using WinSCPnet library version to perform a
The code being executed is:
Do I need to increase a timeout value? If yes, how is that done via the WinSCPnet library? I have tried setting ResumeSupport to On, but that didn't help.
Please note: When I execute the same transfer from the WinSCP UI, I get the same error. Sometimes after the connection times out then reconnects. Sometimes seemingly of its own accord. If I click "Retry", the process moves on but can fail again with "Copying files to remote side failed.","Box: Partial-file uploads are not supported."
I am attaching a log file.
via C# to Box. My app is failing at different points (meaning never on the same file or directory) due to the following:
Note: references toWinSCP.SessionRemoteException: Error transferring file 'C:\Users\myuser\Documents\filetosave_files\Folder_1\Any_Subfolder\AnyFile-Filename.FilesExtension'.
Copying files to remote side failed.
Box: Item with the same name already exists (code=item_name_in_use, request_id=3pxua5gn1nlck6eu).
in the above mean the error has occurred on just about any file in any subfolder
The code being executed is:
string localPath = @"C:\Users\myuser\Documents\filetosave_files\Folder_1"; string remotePath = "/MyTargetFiles/MyTestSync/Folder_1"; session.Open(sessionOptions); TransferOptions transOpts = new TransferOptions(); transOpts.FileMask = "| @Rec*; .DS_Store"; SynchronizationResult syncResult = session.SynchronizeDirectories(SynchronizationMode.Remote, localPath, remotePath, removeFiles: false, options: transOpts);
Please note: When I execute the same transfer from the WinSCP UI, I get the same error. Sometimes after the connection times out then reconnects. Sometimes seemingly of its own accord. If I click "Retry", the process moves on but can fail again with "Copying files to remote side failed.","Box: Partial-file uploads are not supported."
I am attaching a log file.