Drag & Drop to desktop



Drag & Drop to desktop

in the last versions i have problems with the drag&Drop.
i use the (only available) temp-folder-option. This creates a tempfolder "%temp%\scp*" and puts the file in there, but after transfer finishes it does not move these files to destination...is this a bug or have i wrong preferences (default)?
I'm using zip-package...not installer (don't like them) ;)

regards Frank

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Site Admin
martin avatar

I'm not able to reproduce the problem. What version of Windows are you using? Are you sure it did worked in 3.8.2? Do it happen always or sometime only?

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Re: Drag & Drop to desktop

_frank_ wrote:

in the last versions i have problems with the drag&Drop.
i use the (only available) temp-folder-option. This creates a tempfolder "%temp%\scp*" and puts the file in there, but after transfer finishes it does not move these files to destination...is this a bug or have i wrong preferences (default)?
I'm using zip-package...not installer (don't like them) ;)

regards Frank
Yes, why can't we diable the /temp folder option and copy directly? This is a pain when your dealing with huge filesets (1GB+).

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Ok, found it, if I right click on the file and choose the target directly, it does not copy to a temp/tmp directory first. That will do!

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martin wrote:

Please read documentation.

That good advice worked for me! The pertinent bit was where it told me I might have to restart the system (Windows Vista) before drag-and-drop would work.

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failure of drag & drop under Vista 64 bit, quadcore PC

martin wrote:

Please read documentation.

My new 64-bit Vista Quadcore won't allow drag & drop to ANY regular folder (it creates a dummy folder scp### which does not have any contents).

YES, I restarted, and the Preference shows the check box and radio button with active "Use shell extension" (or so it thinks :)

Yes, the Norton interfaces works, but I'm so spoiled by using single Explorer window to drag to desktop or other folders directly!

BTW, drag FROM desktop or PC folders INTO an Explorer window works just fine!


PS Thanks for a great product--I travel around the world as a consultant, and it's so very nice to efficiently download & setup SCP at new locations.

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martin avatar

Re: failure of drag & drop under Vista 64 bit, quadcore PC

goodman wrote:

My new 64-bit Vista Quadcore won't allow drag & drop to ANY regular folder (it creates a dummy folder scp### which does not have any contents).
Drag&drop is not working properly yet on 64-bit Windows. BTW, are you using the drag&drop shell extension or not?

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Re: failure of drag & drop under Vista 64 bit, quadcore PC

martin wrote:

goodman wrote:

My new 64-bit Vista Quadcore won't allow drag & drop to ANY regular folder (it creates a dummy folder scp### which does not have any contents).
Drag&drop is not working properly yet on 64-bit Windows. BTW, are you using the drag&drop shell extension or not?

Yes. It shows as active. Look forward to hearing of a fix. Thank you.

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Re: failure of drag & drop under Vista 64 bit, quadcore PC

martin wrote:

And if you turn it off, does it work?

YES! If I disable "Drag & Drop" downloads by UN-checking the box "Allow moving from remote dir..." then Drag & Drop works perfectly to/from desktop or deeper folders, both in Commander and Explorer gui modes!

Thank you.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: failure of drag & drop under Vista 64 bit, quadcore PC

goodman wrote:

YES! If I disable "Drag & Drop" downloads by UN-checking the box "Allow moving from remote dir..." then Drag & Drop works perfectly to/from desktop or deeper folders, both in Commander and Explorer gui modes!
Sorry I'm confused. Please again, do you have "Use shell extension" or "Use temporary folder" selected when it does not work? What did you changed to make it work?

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If I have the checkbox, "Allow moving from remote...." checked and restart the PC so thatt this feature is ACTIVE, then drag & drop from desktop to remote does NOT work, no matter which radio button ("Use shell ext..." or "Use Temp folder") is selected.

If I UN-check the box, the drag & drop now works perfectly, only if I select radio button "Use Temp folder" (ie, if
"Use shell ext..." is selected, does not do drag & drop--get same 'scp#####' folder on desktop with no content in it)

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Site Admin
martin avatar

What exactly happens if you attempt to drag file, while having both "use temp folder" and "allow moving..." checked?

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Vista vs. XP w/ Drag & Drop

This appears to be some wonkiness with Vista (32bit). I also have the extension loaded and I cannot drag & drop to my desktop from WinSCP. Vista does some things differently. Like my little application I wrote won't auto-start when I boot up, even though I wrote the correct registry settings.

The temp directory thing works, but it seems to take forever.

The latest and greatest version of WinSCP on my XP machine works just fine.


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Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Vista vs. XP w/ Drag & Drop

icebrkr wrote:

This appears to be some wonkiness with Vista (32bit). I also have the extension loaded and I cannot drag & drop to my desktop from WinSCP.
What happens instead?

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Re: Vista vs. XP w/ Drag & Drop

martin wrote:

icebrkr wrote:

This appears to be some wonkiness with Vista (32bit). I also have the extension loaded and I cannot drag & drop to my desktop from WinSCP.
What happens instead?

Sorry it took so long to get back. It just creates a scpXXXX folder with no content. I took a screen-cap of the process so you can see.

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Also have this problem on Vista 64

Using Vista 64 SP1, and WinSCP 4.07 (Build 370). I have installed the extension and have rebooted.

Checking the "Allow moving..." box with "Use Shell Extension" only creates an scpxxx directory and then does nothing else.

Checking the "Allow moving..." box with "Use Temporary Directory" does work.

I haven't tried any beta versions as I wasn't sure how stable they were.


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Re: Also have this problem on Vista 64

FPTUser wrote:

Using Vista 64 SP1, and WinSCP 4.07 (Build 370). I have installed the extension and have rebooted.

Checking the "Allow moving..." box with "Use Shell Extension" only creates an scpxxx directory and then does nothing else.

Checking the "Allow moving..." box with "Use Temporary Directory" does work.

I haven't tried any beta versions as I wasn't sure how stable they were.



Fix should be coming out as soon as Martin is ready for the next release :) I suppose I shouldn't speak for Martin. lol!

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Re: Also have this problem on Vista 64

icebrkr wrote:


Fix should be coming out as soon as Martin is ready for the next release :) I suppose I shouldn't speak for Martin. lol!

Unfortunately this fix does not work for my system. I updated to 4.14 beta and the same problem persists. However, i no longer have an scpxxx directory created:

With "Allow moving" and "Use shell extension" selected, when I drag onto my desktop, the copy cursor (with the small + sign) does not appear, instead it looks more like a "move" cursor than a "copy" cursor. But when I drop, nothing is done.

With "Allow moving" and "Use temporary folder" selected, I do get a copy cursor and it does work.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Also have this problem on Vista 64

Unfortunately this fix does not work for my system. I updated to 4.14 beta and the same problem persists. However, i no longer have an scpxxx directory created:

With "Allow moving" and "Use shell extension" selected, when I drag onto my desktop, the copy cursor (with the small + sign) does not appear, instead it looks more like a "move" cursor than a "copy" cursor. But when I drop, nothing is done.

With "Allow moving" and "Use temporary folder" selected, I do get a copy cursor and it does work.
Can you provide me your email address, so I can send you a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? If you do not want to post the address here, you can send me an email. You will find it (if you log in) in my forum profile. Thanks.

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Re: Also have this problem on Vista 64

martin wrote:

Can you provide me your email address, so I can send you a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? If you do not want to post the address here, you can send me an email. You will find it (if you log in) in my forum profile. Thanks.

Hi Martin, I have sent you an email.


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