Ability to keep CR LF linebreaks



Ability to keep CR LF linebreaks


I love WinSCP because its built-in editor is so comfortable at distributed systems. But I have a big problem with line breaks.

I have applications where CRLF linebreaks are necessary. But WinSCP always convert them to LF.

Ok, there could be a setting where the user chooses CR LF (Windows), LF (Unix) or CR (Mac), but that would be also not good, because some scripts need to be LF (this matches to linux' *.sh files which must not have CR LF).

My suggestion would be:
1. When open the editor, the program detects what linebreaks the file uses: CR LF, LF or CR?
2. The user edits the file and save it.
3. The program will **KEEP** all line breaks or equalize them to the "format" which was detected at step 1.
4. The program uploads the file now.
5. The file was edited and the line breaks were kept. CRLF files stayed CRLF and LF files stayed LF!

I am missing this feature very much!

Thank you very much.

Daniel Marschall

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PS: This issue also applies to the upload (and download?) of text-like files. There I also wish the files could be transferred as-it. It's really bad when I upload a file via SCP and its data modifies while transferring.

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Ability to keep CR LF linebreaks

blackdrake wrote:

My suggestion would be:
1. When open the editor, the program detects what linebreaks the file uses: CR LF, LF or CR?
2. The user edits the file and save it.
3. The program will **KEEP** all line breaks or equalize them to the "format" which was detected at step 1.
4. The program uploads the file now.
5. The file was edited and the line breaks were kept. CRLF files stayed CRLF and LF files stayed LF!
You can do this with external editor, and binary transfer mode.

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I will try it. But if WinSCP does not automatically upload the file when I save/modify the tempfile, it is not a good solution. I would really like to see this "feature" - resp. bugfix - in the internal texteditor because it is the fastest and easiest way. Every additional program makes it unnecessary complex. Line breaks should be never changed.

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