Definitely not a bug, but



Definitely not a bug, but

since WinSCP is near enough to perfect (and I heartfully thank fou for that), is it not redundant or misleading that fields coresponding to 'go to parent folder' icon contain data.

And, they sometimes contain wrong information too.

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Re: Definitely not a bug, but

martin wrote:

I'm not sure what you mean by this. What fields? What data?

I am referring to the listview that displays the directory contents at the remote machine.

There is an icon on that lisview to go up to the parent directory.

Assuming you're using defaults, there are various colums: Name, Size, Changed, Rights, Owner.

Under these columns, you see some information in 'Changed', 'Rights', 'Owner' fields (cells, if you like).

What I am trying to say is that for the 'go to parent' icon, these cells should be blank.

I know it is nitpicking, the more I write about it the more nitpicking it sounds like.
I apologize if it comes accross that way.

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Definitely not a bug, but

What I am trying to say is that for the 'go to parent' icon, these cells should be blank.
I display there what server tells me about the link to parent directory. The informations usually actually refer to the parent directory. So the timestamp in particular is the same as timestamp of parent directory.

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