no read permission = can't upload
I need to upload to a ftp site where there is no read permission but winscp is aborting the upload (I tested with read permission ON and it worked just fine but I cant leave it like that):
< 2014-07-23 13:58:41.666 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,253,1,178,19,94).
> 2014-07-23 13:58:41.666 LIST
< 2014-07-23 13:58:41.682 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
. 2014-07-23 13:58:41.682 <Empty directory listing>
< 2014-07-23 13:58:41.688 550 .: Access is denied.
. 2014-07-23 13:58:41.688 Copying files to remote side failed.
* 2014-07-23 13:58:41.688 (ExtException) **Copying files to remote side failed.**
* 2014-07-23 13:58:41.688 .: Access is denied.
I assume the LIST command is the problem here... can I disable it? (windows ftp.exe does this just fine but has other problems) Here is my current command:
WinSCP.exe /command "open ftp://anonymous:test@" "put -delete c:\temp\*.txt /" "exit"
< 2014-07-23 13:58:41.666 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,253,1,178,19,94).
> 2014-07-23 13:58:41.666 LIST
< 2014-07-23 13:58:41.682 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
. 2014-07-23 13:58:41.682 <Empty directory listing>
< 2014-07-23 13:58:41.688 550 .: Access is denied.
. 2014-07-23 13:58:41.688 Copying files to remote side failed.
* 2014-07-23 13:58:41.688 (ExtException) **Copying files to remote side failed.**
* 2014-07-23 13:58:41.688 .: Access is denied.
I assume the LIST command is the problem here... can I disable it? (windows ftp.exe does this just fine but has other problems) Here is my current command:
WinSCP.exe /command "open ftp://anonymous:test@" "put -delete c:\temp\*.txt /" "exit"