The queue panel do not display both time and speed when I saved a remote file.



The queue panel do not display both time and speed when I saved a remote file.

Is this a problem?
Or so it is.

It's very important to me that the queue should be display them, time especially.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: The queue panel do not display both time and speed when I saved a remote file.

Sorry, I'm not sure I understand. Do you think WinSCP does something wrong? Or do you request that WinSCP displays a time when the transfer finished (or started)?

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Re: The queue panel do not display both time and speed when I saved a remote file.

martin wrote:

Sorry, I'm not sure I understand. Do you think WinSCP does something wrong? Or do you request that WinSCP displays a time when the transfer finished (or started)?
Thanks for your response.

Do you mean that the queue panel of WinSCP doesn't display time or speed(even though it includes them) when the transfer finished (or started) at present? Just like the follow image.

Is it right?
If yes, I request that.

Think about the follow situation:
I need always WinSCP to show the queue panel and display all completed transfers in queue list for some reasons.
But the queue list doesn't display time which should be different for every transfer.
So look at this image again, just like I say, it don't make any sense for me.

A request plus
If WinSCP can store all transerred file temporarily in current session until you close it(or some other situations).
Thus you can see everything what you did and when you did in current session.
More details:
You can compare two transferred files which are belong to a same source file to see their different place and see what you did modify.
You can recover a editting file to any transferred file.
Any other idea will be thought of by other people.

This should be very useful and more safe for editting files through WinSCP.


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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: The queue panel do not display both time and speed when I saved a remote file.

The Time column shows estimated time till the end of the transfer. So it does not make sense to show it after the transfer completes. Though I understand the need for "timestamp" column. But that's would be a new column. Let's see if more users asks for this.

The same with Speed. It shows an actual transfer speed. What should it show after the transfer finished?

If WinSCP can store all transerred file temporarily in current session until you close it(or some other situations).
Aren't you looking for Display completed transfer in queue for = Infinite?

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OK, it's 'timestamp' column. I just misunderstood that 'time' column is used for showing timestamp.
So now, 'time' and 'speed' columns are really not important to me.

Aren't you looking for Display completed transfer in queue for = Infinite?
No, I already knew that configure. At present, it does not make sense to show the queue panel for me. Can you get some useful information from that image I posted.

Like what I said above, I just suggest to add some features to the queue panel (include 'timestamp' column).
WinSCP can generate a same file which should be named with timestamp temporarily when a modified file starts to tranfer and record this in the queue list. Thus we can retrieve all history files from the queue list if we do something wrong to remote files.

Just a suggestion.

And thanks for your WinSCP, an awesome sofeware!

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