PUT command not automatically creating a new directory...
Hello all, sorry I am fairly new with WINscp...
The PUT command I am using is not automatically creating a new directory if the directory doesnt exist...
It works fine on other SFTP servers I have used before, could it be something on the other end blocking this creation of the directory?
I can use mkdir to create a directory, so permissions isn't an issue.
I am using this command
put -nopreservetime -nopermissions "\\DATA\newDATAfolder\test.xlsb"
The PUT command I am using is not automatically creating a new directory if the directory doesnt exist...
It works fine on other SFTP servers I have used before, could it be something on the other end blocking this creation of the directory?
I can use mkdir to create a directory, so permissions isn't an issue.
I am using this command
put -nopreservetime -nopermissions "\\DATA\newDATAfolder\test.xlsb"