File transfer fail
I am using winscp using sftp for long time. But this is first time, I am trying to automate. I created batch file as below. When I exceute batch file, command window pops up for second , but nothing happens at the end. I am just testing to transfer file to remote server. What is the issue here.
c:\Program Files\winscp\winscp.exe /console /log /command "option batch abort" "open xxx:xxx@yyy.yy.yy.yy" "put e:\name\example.txt /E:/ftproot/" "exit"
c:\Program Files\winscp\winscp.exe /console /log /command "option batch abort" "open xxx:xxx@yyy.yy.yy.yy" "put e:\name\example.txt /E:/ftproot/" "exit"