martin wrote:
I'm little bit confused by your email. Let's make it simpler :-)
I'm sorry... :oops:
martin wrote:
I suppose that you still use SFTP (not SCP). What version of SFTP? On status line (bottom of the main windows) you can see something like "SFTP (v3)".
YES, SFTP (v3), my SFTP server is a linux
martin wrote:
Please can you try repeat following tests that I did one my SFTP v3 server (and it was working as expected). The key shortcuts correspons to Norton-commander interface.
- create directory "somedir" (F7)
martin wrote:
- enter the directory
martin wrote:
- create directory "somesubdir" (F7)
martin wrote:
- select "somesubdir" in panel (it should be selected when created)
martin wrote:
- execute "add/edit link" command (Alt-F6). Dialog is displayed with 2nd box (point link to) prefilled with "somesubdir".
martin wrote:
- enter "link1" to the first box (link file).
- press ok
martin wrote:
- symbolic link "link1" is created in current directory. it has directory icon with small arrow over it.
NO, it is created a symbolic link "somesubdir" in the home root (/, I'm chrooted...).
Looking at symbolic link properties I see:
"Location: /
Links to: /somedir/link1"
martin wrote:
- it is RELATIVE. it points to "somesubdir", NOT to "/.../somedir/somesubdir".
Directly logged with SSH on the remote server (as superuser), I see in the SFTP account's home dir this symbolic link:
somesubdir -> /somedir/link1
It seems the server has execute the equivalent command: "ln -s /somedir/link1 somesubdir" and not the expected: "ln -s somesubdir link1"
martin wrote:
- select "somesubdir" or ".." in panel (or anything else than symlink = link1)
martin wrote:
- execute "add/edit link" command (Alt-F6). Enter "link2" to "link file" box and "link1" to "point link to" box.
- press ok.
martin wrote:
- symlink "link2" is created in current directory. it has directory icon with small arrow over it. And it is also RELATIVE.
NO, it is created a symbolic link "link1" in the home root, lookin at properties:
"Location: /
Links to: /somedir/link2"
martin wrote:
In SSH terminal "ls -la" in "somedir" directory prints:
total 4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 xprim14 users 10 Mar 19 09:01 link1 -> somesubdir
lrwxrwxrwx 1 xprim14 users 5 Mar 19 09:06 link2 -> link1
drwxr-xr-x 2 xprim14 users 4096 Mar 19 08:58 somesubdir
NO, "ls -la" in the SFTP account's root dir prints:
link1 -> /somedir/link2
somesubdir -> /somedir/link1
Sob! :cry: