Script should change the permission of those files which I a
I am transferring few html files from windows to UNIX box
Following is my script
option batch abort
option confirm off
lcd "C:/ganesh/Applications/RnA/APACScript/html"
cd /app/securities/corr/config/mydomain/applications/distribution/researchprofiles/nonresearch
put *.html
chmod 777 *.html
On UNIX box other user has also placed his HTML. so Script can not change permission of these files.
Currently I am getting error Cannot change properties of file 'Mobile_Edition.html'.
Permission denied.
Error code: 3
Error message from server: Permission denied
Request code: 9
because these files are belongs to other user.
Following is my script
option batch abort
option confirm off
lcd "C:/ganesh/Applications/RnA/APACScript/html"
cd /app/securities/corr/config/mydomain/applications/distribution/researchprofiles/nonresearch
put *.html
chmod 777 *.html
On UNIX box other user has also placed his HTML. so Script can not change permission of these files.
My reuirement is: Script should change the permission of those files which I am transferring.
Currently I am getting error Cannot change properties of file 'Mobile_Edition.html'.
Permission denied.
Error code: 3
Error message from server: Permission denied
Request code: 9
because these files are belongs to other user.