WinSCP says "copying failed", but transfer is OK
I'm using latest WinSCP 4.3.9, protocol: FTP, explicit TLS, server side: vsftpd 2.3.5.
I'm doing background transfers, downloading to a local directory.
Most files transfer OK, but for a few files I get this message:
"Copying files from remote side failed."
This is the relevant log section:
File: "/" Copying "/" to local directory started. Binary transfer mode selected. Starting download of / TYPE I 200 Switching to Binary mode. PASV 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,2,20,77,149). RETR 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for (577471 bytes). SSL connection established Copying files from remote side failed. 226 Transfer complete. (ExtException) Copying files from remote side failed. Transfer complete. Asking user: Error transferring file '/'. ("Copying files from remote side failed.","Transfer complete.") [Background 1] TYPE I [Background 1] 200 Switching to Binary mode. (EScpSkipFile) Error transferring file '/'. Copying files from remote side failed. Transfer complete.
Best regards.