compilation issues for winscp520
I just downloaded the latest codes of version 520. It's exiting to see the mfc and .net included. But I have some compilations issues as following:
1). missing hpp files inside folder:"packages", like: "packages\tb2k\TB2Dock.hpp". I fixed this issue by copying those header files from another old version.
2). Missing function "DoAlwaysFalse()". Comilation breaks at line "2288" of file"\source\core\Queue.cpp": bool DoCheckCancel = ALWAYS_FALSE(UserAction == NULL) || !UserAction->Force();
I try to bypass this issue by replace original macro definition:
#define ALWAYS_FALSE(p) DoAlwaysFalse(p, TEXT(#p), TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__)
with the new one:
#define ALWAYS_FALSE(p) (!(p))
3). compilation of module"ScpForms" failed due to [BCC32 Error] Login.h(27): E2209 Unable to open include file 'PngImageList.hpp'
Full parser context
Login.cpp(15): #include forms\Login.h.
any one for any instructions are welcome and appropriated.
1). missing hpp files inside folder:"packages", like: "packages\tb2k\TB2Dock.hpp". I fixed this issue by copying those header files from another old version.
2). Missing function "DoAlwaysFalse()". Comilation breaks at line "2288" of file"\source\core\Queue.cpp": bool DoCheckCancel = ALWAYS_FALSE(UserAction == NULL) || !UserAction->Force();
I try to bypass this issue by replace original macro definition:
#define ALWAYS_FALSE(p) DoAlwaysFalse(p, TEXT(#p), TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__)
with the new one:
#define ALWAYS_FALSE(p) (!(p))
3). compilation of module"ScpForms" failed due to [BCC32 Error] Login.h(27): E2209 Unable to open include file 'PngImageList.hpp'
Full parser context
Login.cpp(15): #include forms\Login.h.
any one for any instructions are welcome and appropriated.