cannot login to win 2000 ssh server
i'm using openssh which is working fine but winscp cannot connect.
here are the last lines of my log file:
here are the last lines of my log file:
Using stored password. . Sent password . Access granted . Opened channel for session . Started a shell/command . Server sent command exit status 1 . -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Using SFTP protocol. . Doing startup conversation with host. > Type: SSH_FXP_INIT, Size: 5, Number: -1 . All channels closed. Disconnecting * (ESshFatal) Kann das SFTP nicht initialisieren. Läuft auf dem entfernten Rechner ein SFTP Server-Programm? * Die Verbindung wurde unerwartet geschlossen. Der Server sendete den Befehlsbeendigungsstatus 1.