Using filemask with exclude and timestamp



Using filemask with exclude and timestamp


I'm trying to use -filemask to download files since a certain timestamp, AND exclude sub directories.

On it's own, the timestamp works fine, but it downloads qualifying files in the sub directories too:
get -filemask="*.*>2013-5-29 07:11:00" *.* .\

On its own, excluding sub directories also works fine:
get -filemask="*.*| */" *.* .\

However, when I attempt to combine the two, I get an error:
get -filemask="*.*| */>2013-5-29 07:11:00" *.* .\
Mask is invalid near '>2013-5-29 07:11:00'

I tried wrapping the filemask in double double-quotes (per this link but got errors about changing directory (see below - earlier in the script I changed to the /Downloads folder without issue)

> 2013-05-29 11:37:19.740 Script: get -filemask=""*.*| */>2013-5-29 07:11:00"" *.* .\
. 2013-05-29 11:37:19.740 Retrieving directory listing...
> 2013-05-29 11:37:19.740 CWD /Downloads/*/
< 2013-05-29 11:37:19.762 550 Can't change directory to /Downloads/*/: No such file or directory

Any suggestions?

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