Two suggestions for WinSCP



Two suggestions for WinSCP


First thing, thank you VERY MUCH for the quality SFTP client! :) I'm a former FileZilla user, who gave up on the program when I found it was storing my passwords in plain text for anyone to see. I'm not confident enough that I will never ever accidentally allow access to my disks, so, well, I quit FileZilla, and finding that WinSCP does everything as well, or better, is a serious relief :)

I'm using WinSCP 5.1.6 build 3394.

There are only two features that I miss, would there be a chance to have them added to WinSCP in the future?
  • A list of the already successfully (or not) uploaded files.
    That, I believe, would be a MAJOR improvement.
    For the moment, when I don't remember if I have uploaded a file or not, my only option is to try uploading it again and wait to see if I am prompted an "overwrite?" confirmation. Worse, when I'm updating a remote site (with Notepad++ as editor) and I can't remember if I saved the updated file in N++, there is no way anymore to know what file is being ran on the remote server.
    A list of what files were uploaded, with success or not, and at what time, would come really handy.

  • Ctrl+W to close session tabs. This has become the standard keyboard shortcut in nearly all programs using tabs, and I find its absence in WinSCP disturbing. Yeah, it's just a little detail ;)
Thank you very much if these suggestions (especially the first one, haha) can be given some consideration!
Kind regards,

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Two suggestions for WinSCP

oliverfr wrote:

a list of the already successfully (or not) uploaded files.
I believe you are looking for this:
Issue 584 – Keep finished transfers in the background transfers queue list

Ctrl+W to close session tabs. This has become the standard keyboard shortcut in nearly all programs using tabs, and I find its absence in WinSCP disturbing. Yeah, it's just a little detail ;)
This request has been added to the tracker:
Issue 1035 – Ctrl+W shortcut for closing tab (session)

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Wonderful !

Thank you very much for adding the Ctrl+W shortcut to the tracker, and even more, to tell me this is present in the 5.2 version !

Now knowing how stable the 5.2 beta is, I'll wait for the day it joins the stable releases, now I know I can wait. Thank you, once again :)

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Middle Click Close Tab

I've recently learned that middle click on tabs usually closes them in web browsers and other tabbed programs. Could this be added to winscp? Thanks!

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