WInSCP Copies subdirectories, even with the exclude FileMask
I am using Version of the WinSCPnet.dll. In my code, I have the following lines:
TransferOptions tOpts = new TransferOptions();
tOpts.FileMask = "*/";
TransferOperationResult res = sess.PutFiles("S:\\TRANSFER_ME\\*.csv", c.RemotePath, false, tOpts);
Using this code, it SHOULD copy only the root level CSV files. Instead, it copies all CSV files, including those in the "processed" subfolder, which I don't want it to do. Is there any way to copy only the files and not subfolders?? I do not want to copy recursively.
TransferOptions tOpts = new TransferOptions();
tOpts.FileMask = "*/";
TransferOperationResult res = sess.PutFiles("S:\\TRANSFER_ME\\*.csv", c.RemotePath, false, tOpts);
Using this code, it SHOULD copy only the root level CSV files. Instead, it copies all CSV files, including those in the "processed" subfolder, which I don't want it to do. Is there any way to copy only the files and not subfolders?? I do not want to copy recursively.