Find Files: Keep result of Find Files for reuse
can I ask you to implement such a feature, that enable to keep result of (often time consuming) Find Files operation in somewhere (special Tab, enable Copy&Paste, NONmodal window...)? For example I would like to search for all instances of given file in several directories and then I need to inspect each file. Now I need to run Find Files operation for each next file occurence. I am using latest WinSCP 5.5.1. I hope I did not miss this function, in case it is already implemented.
Predem moc diky za pripadnou implementaci, Stepan
can I ask you to implement such a feature, that enable to keep result of (often time consuming) Find Files operation in somewhere (special Tab, enable Copy&Paste, NONmodal window...)? For example I would like to search for all instances of given file in several directories and then I need to inspect each file. Now I need to run Find Files operation for each next file occurence. I am using latest WinSCP 5.5.1. I hope I did not miss this function, in case it is already implemented.
Predem moc diky za pripadnou implementaci, Stepan