!! BUG! Drag-and-drop files into browser deletes from Remote



!! BUG! Drag-and-drop files into browser deletes from Remote

!! Wow - this was surprising.

Take WinSCP 5.5.3 (Windows 7)
Open a SFTP or FTP connection.
From remote window drag-and-drop any file(!) or FOLDER(!)
into an open local browser window (like Firefox 29.0.1)

You will see a url in the browser window like
And you will see the content in your local browser.

BUT !!! your remote file or FOLDER!!! is deleted !!!

Found this by drag-and-dropping an SVG-file into browser-window to see the content.

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Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: !! BUG! Drag-and-drop files into browser deletes from Remote

Since 5.14, it is always possible to use drag&drop to move remote files to external applications, while copy is always the default operation.

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