Selective compression in the GUI



Selective compression in the GUI


My request is to be able, in the GUI, to enable global compression but with a user-definable and persistent exclusion list of file extensions.

I have a remote folder with many sub-directories, each one containing many files with varying level of compressibility – small ones which are highly compressible .txt, .dxf, .log, .html etc., as well as large incompressible ones like .zip, .jpg, .pdf etc.

I guess that this requested feature should speed up the transfer operations substantially.

Note: since currently the compression flag is defined for the SSH protocol itself, I don't know if my request can be easily implemented.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Selective compression in the GUI

In principle, it is possible to enable/disable compression during the SSH session. But it involves rekey, what is a quite expensive operation. So it might not pay off.

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Re: Selective compression in the GUI

Thanks for responding.
They only thing that comes to mind (and I am not privy to the programming aspects of this) is maybe to auto-sequence the transfer into two groups: one group contains all files that are not in the exclusion list, thus SSH runs with compression, and the other group contains all files matching the exclusion extensions, thus running with no compression. If my logic is valid, then only 2 rekey ops may be required for the whole session.

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Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Selective compression in the GUI

Of course that's possible. But that makes the implementation even more complicated and hence even less likely to happen :)

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