File timestamps



File timestamps

I am using WinSCP 3.6.6 build 234
SCP protocol
Norton Commander Interface

Both computers are running Win2000 and are up to date with fixes.

I find that the remote file timestamps are displayed incorrectly on the on the Norton Commander panel and are different from those displayed in the log file. I paste a short section of the log file listing of a directory below:
-rwxrwxrwx+   1 Administ root     95961088 Jul 22 10:10 archive_01.pst
-rwxrwxrwx+   1 Administ root     142197760 Jul 22 10:10 archive_02.pst
-rwxrwxrwx+   1 Administ root     187662336 Jul 22 10:10 archive_03.pst
On the Norton Commander interface, these files have times that list as 11:10.

A direct check on the remote machine shows that the time of 10:10 is correct.

I know there is a "shift times by xxx panel" somewhere in the program because I saw it but now I cannot find it again. However, I have not changed it from whatever its default setting is.

Thank you for your help in advance.

Neat Program!

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: File timestamps

rberliner wrote:

I know there is a "shift times by xxx panel" somewhere in the program because I saw it but now I cannot find it again. However, I have not changed it from whatever its default setting is.
Timestamps are affected by SCP/Time zone offset and Environment/Dayling saving time.

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