How Switch Login From User To Root Like As Sudo Su Putty
Dear Lady And Gentlement
apologize, I am Newbie, Please help me, I want to copy folder or file from anything server to my pc with winscp but via login user then root, as like as login user via putty example " login :rahmat pass:xxx --> then
type sudo su or su" live automatic swicth to root, because i want to all of them my team it, can login via user then root.Thanks you very much.
apologize, I am Newbie, Please help me, I want to copy folder or file from anything server to my pc with winscp but via login user then root, as like as login user via putty example " login :rahmat pass:xxx --> then
type sudo su or su" live automatic swicth to root, because i want to all of them my team it, can login via user then root.Thanks you very much.