Display "time left" and filesize during command line sync



Display "time left" and filesize during command line sync

Hi Martin,

great work with WinSCP, i really like its scripting capabilities.

I have an idea to further improve the console output.

In case WinSCP.com is used to synchronize large files there is no information about how long it will take for the current file to be transferred.
Currently only the following information is displayed:

filename | transferred KBytes | speed | mode | percentage

The field with the number of tranferred KBytes could be replaced with the filesize of the currently transferred file, because the percentage should already provide enough information about the progress in many use cases. If the filesize format is changed to KB/MB/GB accordingly, there might be enough space left to add an ETA field with the remaining time for completion like already implemented in the GUI. Another option would be to display the transfer mode on the console output only once before the status line, because it does not change during transfer anyway.

filename | filesize | percentage | speed | ETA

What do you think?

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Display "time left" and filesize during command line sync

Thanks for your feedback. Will consider this.

Another option would be to display the transfer mode on the console output only once before the status line, because it does not change during transfer anyway.
It does. In "automatic" mode.

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I'm not entirely sure that percentage transferred would provide enough information.

Let's say a 99Gb file is being transferred and the percentage is 99.99%, for example. The means that there is approximately 10Mb left to transfer.

Let's say the target disk is getting short of space, which happens often enough to be a concern for my work transferring to customer disks. You need a target to work out how much disk space to free. It would be useful to know whether one needs to free 5Mb or 10Mb, let's say because it is usually easier to find 5Mb of files to remove than 10Mb...

Also, if only "filename | filesize | percentage | speed | ETA" were displayed, for this example only ETA and not percentage would give the most accurate value of what is remaining. That is, ETA would have to be damned reliable and accurate! When I'm doing file transfers, during the final part of transfer, I find that the most reliable countdown are not ETAs but actually the number of kilobytes left to transfer!

Sure, the precision of percentage transferred could be changed from 99.99% to 99.999%, but that's shifting the problem.

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