Using with VB6 COM when Only 4.0 framework installed
I've got the library working great from VB6, however the library is requiring the 2.0 framework. I understand it was built against the 2.0 framework, but the installation instructions seem to suggest it will work on the 4.0 framework as well. No go. I even tried making a WinSCPnet.config file such as the following:
<?xml version ="1.0"?>
<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" />
<supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727" />
<generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/>
[The runtime section at the end is to solve another problem - that the 2.0 framework automatically phones an OCSP server to check the digital certificate revocation status when the library is loaded - which unacceptably flags my app in third-party firewalls as sending data]
If I register it using the 4.0 RegAsm.exe, it still requires the 2.0 framework to be installed. I've spent hours and hours on this. How can I get the library to run if EITHER the 2.0 OR the 4.0 framework is installed?
This is important since the 2.0 framework is NOT installed by default on Win8/8.1/10 but 4.0 is.
I've got the library working great from VB6, however the library is requiring the 2.0 framework. I understand it was built against the 2.0 framework, but the installation instructions seem to suggest it will work on the 4.0 framework as well. No go. I even tried making a WinSCPnet.config file such as the following:
<?xml version ="1.0"?>
<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" />
<supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727" />
<generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/>
[The runtime section at the end is to solve another problem - that the 2.0 framework automatically phones an OCSP server to check the digital certificate revocation status when the library is loaded - which unacceptably flags my app in third-party firewalls as sending data]
If I register it using the 4.0 RegAsm.exe, it still requires the 2.0 framework to be installed. I've spent hours and hours on this. How can I get the library to run if EITHER the 2.0 OR the 4.0 framework is installed?
This is important since the 2.0 framework is NOT installed by default on Win8/8.1/10 but 4.0 is.