Error changing remote directory
I am getting the error in the script output below when attempting to change the remote directory. I am able to authenticate and download from the root directory.
**Using PSFTP I am able to connect to the server and change to the remote directory just fine so it doesn't appear to be a server side issue**
Script Output:
batch abort
reconnecttime 120
confirm off
Searching for host...
Connecting to host...
Using username "".
Authenticating with pre-entered password.
Starting the session...
Session started.
Active session: [1]
Error changing directory to '/UPLOAD_FOLDER'.
Cannot get real path for '/UPLOAD_FOLDER'.
No such file or directory.
Error code: 2
Error message from server: File not found
**Using PSFTP I am able to connect to the server and change to the remote directory just fine so it doesn't appear to be a server side issue**
Script Output:
batch abort
reconnecttime 120
confirm off
Searching for host...
Connecting to host...
Using username "".
Authenticating with pre-entered password.
Starting the session...
Session started.
Active session: [1]
Error changing directory to '/UPLOAD_FOLDER'.
Cannot get real path for '/UPLOAD_FOLDER'.
No such file or directory.
Error code: 2
Error message from server: File not found