Sync problem with server that has zero timezone offset
My computer is Windows 7 SP1 in the US Eastern time zone (offset -4), while the remote server is Windows Server 2012 in the Coordinated Universal Time time zone (offset 00:00:00).
I'm using WinSCP version 5.7.5 via the WinSCP Powershell module from
I'm using the Sync-WinSCPPath powershell command to sync two files from my computer to the wwwroot/Uploads folder on the remote server. This is the test powershell script:
Remove-Module [w]inscp
Import-Module WinScp
$ftpHost = "svvs-v-win-stage.corp"
$ftpUser = ""
$ftpDir = "wwwroot/Uploads"
$credential = Get-Credential -UserName $ftpUser -Message "Please enter password for $ftpHost."
$log = (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "sync-bug.log")
Write-Host "write log to $log"
$session = New-WinSCPSession -Hostname $ftpHost -Credential $credential -Protocol Ftp -SessionLogPath $log
$source = (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Uploads")
Write-Host "sync $source to $ftpDir"
Sync-WinSCPPath -WinSCPSession $session -Mode Remote -Criteria Either -LocalPath $source -RemotePath $ftpDir
Remove-WinSCPSession -WinSCPSession $session
These are the steps I took:
1) Run this powershell script to sync local Upload folder containing grog.png file dated 7/28/2014 11:01am.
2) Filezilla GUI shows the remote grog.png file is dated 7/28/2015 11:01am (which is accurate).
3) WinSCP GUI shows the remote grog.png file is dated 7/28/2014 7:01pm (which is 8 hours later).
4) Run the script again and WinSCP doesn't copy any files (i.e. the local grog.png file hasn't changed).
5) I touch the local grog.png file changing its timestamp to 10/6/2015 9:04pm.
6) Run the script again and WinSCP copies the grog.png file to the remote server.
7) Filezilla GUI shows the remote grog.png file is dated 10/6/2015 9:04pm (which is accurate).
8) WinSCP GUI shows the remote grog.png file is dated 10/7/2015 5:04am (which is 8 hours in the future).
9) Touch the local grog.png file again, changing its timestamp to 10/6/2015 9:09pm.
10) Run the script again and WinSCP doesn't copy the grog.png file to the remote server, but it should have.
I've looked over the attached log and I think WinSCP is wrongly calculating the remote file timestamp. Perhaps it is just a coincidence, but WinSCP is off by 8 hours, double the absolute value of the offset my computer has with the US Eastern timezone.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information.