I got an exit code of 256 from winscp when I used it at the command line. I have googled for "exit code 256 WinSCP" and there are not many applicable results.
I checked the FAQs on WinSCP and searched the Forums. There is no information on this exit code. It is really bugging me.
I am using a Perl Script on WINDOWS as well and am using this inside my script:
$ftpCheck2=system("winscp.com /console /script=D:\\Interface_N\\FSH_COMPASS\\Midnight\\MOD\\template_IEPROD.txt");
print STDOUT "The value of ftpCheck2 is $ftpCheck2\n";
OUTPUT: The value of ftpCheck2 is 256
I get a value of 256 for the exit code. (And NO, it is not due the double backslashes, I am just "escaping" the backslash character with a backslash)
Any info will be appreciated.