Bug: Whitespace on host names should be trimmed.
If you leave a trailing space on a hostname("www.host.com ") by accident, WinSCP will error out and say the doamin is unable to be resolved.
WinSCP should trim whitespace on hostnames. I spent a good hour troubleshooting my DNS when I got the error. I finally realized that WinSCP couldn't resolve the domain because there was a trailing blank space after the hostname left over from cutting/pasting it into WinSCP.
Maybe it's user error (hah!) but WinSCP should handle it gracefully.
WinSCP should trim whitespace on hostnames. I spent a good hour troubleshooting my DNS when I got the error. I finally realized that WinSCP couldn't resolve the domain because there was a trailing blank space after the hostname left over from cutting/pasting it into WinSCP.
Maybe it's user error (hah!) but WinSCP should handle it gracefully.