problems renaming files within WinSCP
I have WinSCp 3.7.3 (but the problems also appears in all the versions I have had installed before), with the Norton style interface, and "double-click" on file set to "open file" (I use drag and drop to transfer the file). Usually, before transferring files, I open them to see the contents, and sometimes I need to rename the files. I have found this manipulation with WinSCP dangerous:
- sometimes it works fine
- sometimes I get an error similar to (I haven't it now at hand): "invalid memory access", and the rename operation fails
- sometimes, and this is the worst case, the rename operation is done on both the current and the adjacent file
Because of this, I have given up using this operations with WinSCP, and use a regular Windows Explorer window for this "pre-task". It would be great if this could be solved and I could do it all with WinSCP.
F.J. Gaztelua