SSIS and WinScp not working
I am using WinSCp in an ssis execute process task
My argument is as follows:
/console /command "option batch abort" "option confirm off" "open sftp://username:password@host" "cd /remote folder/remote_subfolder" "option transfer binary" "put C:\Users\myusername\Documents\20151202_153130.csv" "exit"
I use SQLServer 2008 R2, operating system is XP
I get past the authentication and the dos window closes after
Active session: [1] username@host
Please advise on
a)how I can stop the dos window closing too quickly and
b)what is wrong with my argument.
Please respond urgently.
Thank you very much
My argument is as follows:
/console /command "option batch abort" "option confirm off" "open sftp://username:password@host" "cd /remote folder/remote_subfolder" "option transfer binary" "put C:\Users\myusername\Documents\20151202_153130.csv" "exit"
I use SQLServer 2008 R2, operating system is XP
I get past the authentication and the dos window closes after
Active session: [1] username@host
Please advise on
a)how I can stop the dos window closing too quickly and
b)what is wrong with my argument.
Please respond urgently.
Thank you very much