Unable to upload to FTP site with batch file
I'm trying to upload a file using a batch file and WinSCP 5.7.6.
I can connect to the server and the file is uploaded. WinSCP then says the upload failed, and asks me whether I want to abort or retry.
I've tried it usign the GUI and get the same result.
Can I stop WinSCP asking me to retry or fix the error altogether?
Below is the log from the GUI.
I'm trying to upload a file using a batch file and WinSCP 5.7.6.
I can connect to the server and the file is uploaded. WinSCP then says the upload failed, and asks me whether I want to abort or retry.
I've tried it usign the GUI and get the same result.
Can I stop WinSCP asking me to retry or fix the error altogether?
Below is the log from the GUI.
Connecting to www.site.com ... Connected with www.site.com. Waiting for welcome message... 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ---------- 220-You are user number 5 of 50 allowed. 220-Local time is now 12:28. Server port: 21. 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server. 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity. USER user@site.com 331 User user@site.com OK. Password required PASS ********** 230-Your bandwidth usage is restricted 230-OK. Current restricted directory is / 230 2264 Kbytes used (11%) - authorized: 20480 Kb SYST 215 XXXXXXXXXXXXX FEAT 211-Extensions supported: EPRT IDLE MDTM SIZE MFMT REST STREAM MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*; MLSD AUTH TLS PBSZ PROT TVFS ESTA PASV EPSV SPSV ESTP 211 End. Connected Doing startup conversation with host. PWD 257 "/" is your current location Changing directory to "/". CWD / 250 OK. Current directory is / Getting current directory name. PWD 257 "/" is your current location Startup conversation with host finished. File: 'C:\AccpacData\Data\Scheduled_Reports\Airland\Airland_CSV.csv' [2016-01-18T00:00:32.808Z] [496] Copying "C:\AccpacData\Data\Scheduled_Reports\Airland\Airland_CSV.csv" to remote directory started. Binary transfer mode selected. Starting upload of C:\AccpacData\Data\Scheduled_Reports\Airland\Airland_CSV.csv TYPE A 200 TYPE is now ASCII PASV 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,117,178,74,120,60) MLSD 150 Accepted data connection 226-Options: -a -l 226 8 matches total type=cdir;sizd=4096;modify=20160118032729;UNIX.mode=0755;UNIX.uid=866;UNIX.gid=866;unique=903g17603b; . type=pdir;sizd=4096;modify=20160118032729;UNIX.mode=0755;UNIX.uid=866;UNIX.gid=866;unique=903g17603b; .. type=file;size=10;modify=20160118042822;UNIX.mode=0600;UNIX.uid=866;UNIX.gid=866;unique=903g1764ed; .ftpquota type=file;size=496;modify=20160118042822;UNIX.mode=0644;UNIX.uid=866;UNIX.gid=866;unique=903g176c0e; Airland_CSV.csv type=file;size=8116;modify=20160118025908;UNIX.mode=0644;UNIX.uid=866;UNIX.gid=866;unique=903g176c1e; Airland_CSV2.csv type=file;size=875520;modify=20160118040211;UNIX.mode=0644;UNIX.uid=866;UNIX.gid=866;unique=903g2cee005; Airland_Import.xls type=file;size=1434857;modify=20160118040211;UNIX.mode=0644;UNIX.uid=866;UNIX.gid=866;unique=903g176537; Airland_Import.xml type=dir;sizd=4096;modify=20150323031452;UNIX.mode=0755;UNIX.uid=866;UNIX.gid=866;unique=903g176a50; System Volume Information TYPE I 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary PASV 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,117,178,74,117,77) STOR Airland_CSV.csv 150 Accepted data connection 226-2264 Kbytes used (11%) - authorized: 20480 Kb 226-File successfully transferred 226 0.053 seconds (measured here), 9.14 Kbytes per second MFMT 20160118000032 Airland_CSV.csv Disconnected from server Copying files to remote side failed. Connection was lost, asking what to do. Asking user: Lost connection. ("Disconnected from server","Copying files to remote side failed.") (ESshFatal) **Lost connection.** Disconnected from server Copying files to remote side failed. Copying files to remote side failed.