Authentication Failed



Authentication Failed

I am trying to automate using batch script to upload files to sftp directory. On the winscp GUI I have enter the credentials and I can successfully log on to the sftp directory. However when I try to connect to same sftp directory with same login credentials using on command prompt i am getting an authentication error. This is just for testing to make my automate script work.

automate script works this way.
Batch file
date /T >>e:\log\transfer_sig-log.txt
@echo %username% >>e:\log\transfer_sig-log.txt
date /T >>e:\log\transfer_sig-log.txt
time /T >>e:\log\transfer_sig-log.txt
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\" /script=E:\SQL-Transfer\TransferSigFile.txt >>e:\log\transfer_sig-log.txt

transfer_sig-log.txt file

option batch on

option confirm off

open s -hostkey="ssh-dss 1024 34:23:z1:d2:c1:1c:41:76:5r:2d:e9:v9:34:q2:w9:12"

put E:\local_directory /sftp_directory


Below is the error I am getting using above automated script

Authenticating with pre-entered password.
Host is not communicating for more than 15 seconds. Still waiting...
Note: If the problem repeats, try turning off 'Optimize connection buffer size'.
Warning: Aborting this operation will close connection!
(A)bort (60 s):
Access denied.
Connection has been unexpectedly closed. Server sent command exit status 0.
Authentication log (see session log for details):
Using username "user_name".
Access denied.

Authentication failed.
No session.
No session.

Please help ASAP thank you.

Description: winscp version


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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Authentication Failed

Please attach log files both from the GUI and the script, showing the different behavior.
Make sure you use the latest version of WinSCP for the test.

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Re: Authentication Failed

martin wrote:

Please attach log files both from the GUI and the script, showing the different behavior.
Make sure you use the latest version of WinSCP for the test.

Thank you for your fast response. I have troubleshoot this issue and found the solution. The issue was password has special characters and I have replaced it with hexadecimal and it worked like a charm.
The other mistake was in the script I have put space between hostkey and equal sign. that was also an issue.
Eg -hostkey = "12:2a:12:23.......: The space in between was also an issue.

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Re: Authentication Failed

martin wrote:

Please attach log files both from the GUI and the script, showing the different behavior.
Make sure you use the latest version of WinSCP for the test.


I need some help. My password contains some of the special characters like

How do I verify the connection to sftp using
it works using GUI.

Thank you,

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Shail O7

Getting authentication failed error though script

I am trying to automate the log transfer from a Linux server.when using winscp script is giving me authentication failed access diended.However same is working when executed directly from terminal server.Ialso tried from GUI and credentials are correct.

I generated the log files from both script and GUI and only difference in logs is :
GUI:after using the stored password next message is "ignoring empty ssh server authentication request” after which Access granted.
While in script=after using stored password next message is"keyboard-interactive authentication failed" and access denied.

Can anyone plz help with is issue

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Getting authentication failed error though script

Shail O7 wrote:

I am trying to automate the log transfer from a Linux server.when using winscp script is giving me authentication failed access diended.However same is working when executed directly from terminal server.Ialso tried from GUI and credentials are correct.

I generated the log files from both script and GUI and only difference in logs is :
GUI:after using the stored password next message is "ignoring empty ssh server authentication request” after which Access granted.
While in script=after using stored password next message is"keyboard-interactive authentication failed" and access denied.
Please attach both logs.

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