WinSCP .NET library - rename command vs.non-matched wildcard on remote end results in error



WinSCP .NET library - rename command vs.non-matched wildcard on remote end results in error


If you use the library and issue a wildcard rename like this (this is a PowerShell excerpt):

$filestotransfer = ($dirpair.source + "/" + $dirpair.mask)
$destmask = $dirpair.mask + $mysuffix
$sess.MoveFile($filestotransfer, $destmask)

If the mask for the source does not have any matches, you have an error like this:

Element "mv" not found in the log file

Guess the case when the wildcard does not match is not handled properly. It can be worked around by fetching a filelist and checking with a regex if any of the files will match, and only run the command if there is something for ti to actually do, but it is a pain in the back IMHO, and a workaround anyway. Could someone please do something about that?

thanks, regards,

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Re: WinSCP .NET library - rename command vs.non-matched wildcard on remote end results in error

martin wrote:

The Session.MoveFile does not support wildcards.

Thanks for the answer, but... "does not support" - does this mean it is not meant to, and the functionality is a "lucky coincidence"; or that what I see is a "should not happen" type of thing? Only asking because it does seem to work fine none the less, apart from the small thing I mentioned. :-)

Anyways, just in case someone hits this, here is a workaround (ugly as all hell, but gets the job done):
$filestotransfer = ($dirpair.source + "/" + $dirpair.mask)
$destmask = $dirpair.mask + $mysuffix

#workaround to wildcard not matched in Movefile
if (($sess.ListDirectory($dirpair.source).Files | where { $_.Name -match ((([string]$dirpair.mask).Replace(".","\.").Replace("*",".*")) + "$") }).Count -ge 1) {
$sess.MoveFile($filestotransfer, $destmask) |Out-Null


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martin avatar

Re: WinSCP .NET library - rename command vs.non-matched wildcard on remote end results in error

The MoveFile was never meant to support wildcards. But in fact it was implemented in a way that it actually does. It's not recommended to use it like that, as the behavior may break in future versions.

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