External editor Atom always opens multiple windows
Opening multiple remote files with 5.7.7 to edit in Atom results in multiple Windows to open(regardless of it being run via update.exe, atom.cmd or the latest Atom.exe 1.10.0 , although "External editor opens each file in separate window (process)" is not selected.
It does work when opening the files separately.
Also see https://superuser.com/questions/930136/how-to-set-up-atom-io-as-a-winscp-external-editor#comment1602090_930137
It would be nice to have a solution and mention on https://winscp.net/eng/docs/integration_editor
It does work when opening the files separately.
Also see https://superuser.com/questions/930136/how-to-set-up-atom-io-as-a-winscp-external-editor#comment1602090_930137
It would be nice to have a solution and mention on https://winscp.net/eng/docs/integration_editor