Multiple Monitors w/ Different Resolutions & Densities



Multiple Monitors w/ Different Resolutions & Densities

I have the following setup:
Windows 10
WinSCP 5.9.2
Commander style

Primary monitor "A" 3840x2160, density 200%, giving effective 1920x1080
Secondary monitor "B" 1920x1080, density 100%, giving effective 1920x1080.

When WinSCP has a window completely on monitor B, the density for monitor A is used, resulting in large text (200% zoom) in the commander/explorer and editor. Other applications adjust their densities to match the monitor that contains at least 50% of the window, snapping the zoom if they are dragged or resized across monitors. The expected behavior is a 100% zoom when a window is bounded more than 50% within monitor B.

Also given:
In display settings, monitor B is positioned to the right and slightly below monitor A (both monitors centered along the X axis).

When WinSCP is on monitor B and a new editor window is opened, the window seems to open relative to the bounds of monitor A, even though it correctly opens on monitor B. This often results in the top of the editor window opening outside the upper bounds of monitor B. If I try to move my mouse cursor to find the window top, the mouse cursor is correctly bounded by monitor B. The expected behavior is for new windows that open on monitor B to open within the bounds of monitor B.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Multiple Monitors w/ Different Resolutions & Densities

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

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Re: Multiple Monitors w/ Different Resolutions & Densities

martin wrote:

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Hello, I am having the same issue. I am running Windows 10 on a Surface Pro 4. When I open WinSCP on the Surface, it works fine. But when I move it to one of my external monitors, I see WinSCP at 200% and it's unwieldy and difficult to use. May I also have the debug version that addresses the problem?

Thank you!

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Multiple Monitors w/ Different Resolutions & Densities

Hello, I am having the same issue. I am running Windows 10 on a Surface Pro 4. When I open WinSCP on the Surface, it works fine. But when I move it to one of my external monitors, I see WinSCP at 200% and it's unwieldy and difficult to use. May I also have the debug version that addresses the problem?
I'm working on this, atm.
See also
If you register, I'll contact you, once I have anything to test.

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This one would be awesome to get fixed, since I have the same issue on my Surface Pro 3.
Usually I work with external monitors 1920x1080p and 100% scale.
But if I unplug the monitors and get back to the device screen - 2160x1400p BUT 150% scale - then WinSCP stays with the 100% scale with is just too small / tiny to use.
I don't mind about "dynamic" scaling, but the 100% scale stays even if I restart WinSCP - I have to log off my Windows user and log back in to get this fixed. (Wich is then broken again if I use external monitors, so I have to log out and in again :D)

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Raziel wrote:

This one would be awesome to get fixed, since I have the same issue on my Surface Pro 3.
Usually I work with external monitors 1920x1080p and 100% scale.
But if I unplug the monitors and get back to the device screen - 2160x1400p BUT 150% scale - then WinSCP stays with the 100% scale with is just too small / tiny to use.
I don't mind about "dynamic" scaling, but the 100% scale stays even if I restart WinSCP - I have to log off my Windows user and log back in to get this fixed. (Wich is then broken again if I use external monitors, so I have to log out and in again :D)
So did you try the latest WinSCP 5.10.x beta?

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Raziel wrote:

martin wrote:

So did you try the latest WinSCP 5.10.x beta?

Yes, check attachments.

Check attachments.
I need to relog/restart to get rid of this.


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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Raziel wrote:

Check attachments.
I need to relog/restart to get rid of this.
I looks like you have copied the winscp.exe from WinSCP 5.10.x portable package to WinSCP 5.9.x installation folder manually. Please use an installer for the WinSCP 5.10.

Or run the .exe form portable package from a separate folder.

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