View remote directory with more then 1000 files chrashes
I'm using WinSCP 5.9.6 (build 7601) on my Windows 10 (64 bit Pro, version 1703, build 15063.483) machine and access one remote drive connected to my FritzBox with use of FTP. All went well as long as I don't try to access one remote directory which contains more then 1000 files. In this case WinSCP chrashes after reading 1300-1400 files with the following Windows message: "WinSCP: SFTP, FTP, WebDAV and SCP client does not work anymore. There is one problem with this program and it will be closed. If there is a solution for this problem you will get informed." (see as well attached screenshoot). This error happens out of WinSCP GUI as well in case I use one script calling ''. There is no 'fixed' number of read files after this problem occurs, sometimes it chrashes after 1320 files, sometimes after 1400 files and it only occurs in the remote 'view', there is no problme to view any local directory with such large number of files.
Would be great if there is one solution for this problem.
Would be great if there is one solution for this problem.