transferoption timestamp remote server ignoring time portion
I am setting
transferOptions.FileMask = ("*>=" + LastCheckDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd:hh:mm:ss"))
but the remote server seems to be ignoring the time portion and sending everything >= just the date portion. Example 2018-04-06:17:09:15 is returning a file with a timestamp of 2018-04-06:05:30:00.
Do I need to format it differently, or is this a problem at the remote end?
transferOptions.FileMask = ("*>=" + LastCheckDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd:hh:mm:ss"))
but the remote server seems to be ignoring the time portion and sending everything >= just the date portion. Example 2018-04-06:17:09:15 is returning a file with a timestamp of 2018-04-06:05:30:00.
Do I need to format it differently, or is this a problem at the remote end?