Binary upload switches to ascii when resumed ?
Dear reader,
I'm using WinSCP to upload daily back-ups to HiDrive. Yesterday the binary transfer was interrupted and resumed. The final result on the ftp server is correct, the file 100% matches the local file.
But looking in the log I noticed that the resume uses ASCII to upload the remainder of the file. Is that correct ? Because I explicitly specified binary transer ?
WinSCP logfile is attached
Upload is done using the following BAT snippet.
I'm using WinSCP to upload daily back-ups to HiDrive. Yesterday the binary transfer was interrupted and resumed. The final result on the ftp server is correct, the file 100% matches the local file.
But looking in the log I noticed that the resume uses ASCII to upload the remainder of the file. Is that correct ? Because I explicitly specified binary transer ?
WinSCP logfile is attached
Upload is done using the following BAT snippet.
set mywinscp=c:\Program Files\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe echo option batch abort>"%winscp_script%" echo option confirm off>>"%winscp_script%" echo open ftpes://>>"%winscp_script%" echo put -resumesupport=on -transfer=binary "">>"%winscp_script%" echo exit>>"%winscp_script%" "%mywinscp%" /console /script="%winscp_script%" /log="%winscp_log%" /loglevel=1 /ini=nul >> "%logfile%" 2>>&1