Problem with "Resolve symbolic links" on EmbeddedLinux with SCP



Problem with "Resolve symbolic links" on EmbeddedLinux with SCP

1st, thanks for this excellent software, which I use pretty often to manage my E2 setup boxes.
2nd : some data ...
- using latest WinSCP in portable mode on Win7 / Linux + Wine
- E2 Boxes have dropbear as ssh/scp server installed, version 2014-66 or 2017-75. there is no SFTP

now my problem. For years I used WinSCP with "Resolve symbolic links" enabled on a MIPS based E2 box. Recently I got an ARM-based E2 box, an there the "Resolve symbolic links" takes ages, means approx. factor 10 the time.
I created a debug log on both boxes with Debug2 enabled... the Uno4K ist the problematic one.
As far as I can see, there is pretty often a delay of about 0.2 sec between "Looking for network events" and "Detected network event", which I cannot find in the log of Solo² box.

My current workaround is just to deactivate the "Resolve symbolic links" for the ARM box as I don't need it actually all the time... not nice, but much faster.

I'd appreciate, if someone could have a look at the logs, if I can test anything else or more infos are needed, just let me know.
Thanks in advance.
  • Test-Solo²-(SCP).log (70.58 KB, Private file)
  • Test-Uno4K-(SCP).log (77.63 KB, Private file)

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Problem with "Resolve symbolic links" on EmbeddedLinux with SCP

It looks like the server pauses between sending ls command output and echo command output. I do not think there's anything on WinSCP side that can be changed to solve this.
Cannot you use SFTP instead of SCP?

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Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, there is no SFTP server available for this embedded Linux, so no chance to use SFTP. And as I read here in FAQ as well, "Resolve symbolic links" are not supported in regular + unencrypted FTP mode.
As workaround I currently disabled the "Resolve symbolic links" in SCP mode, but now I cannot edit remote text files like xml files via double click anymore ... then I get an error that changing directory is not possible???

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