Wait till PUT is completed
I use this code to upload a document, starting from a cmd.exe:
\\...SFTP\WinSCP.com "/command" "open sftp://USER:PASS@ftpedi.group.com/home/COMPANY/DATA/IN/" "put \\...\B98_VERBAU_____WMS-VIO____1419.DFD"
When I start it like this, it works and the file gets uploaden. But when I call a exit after the PUT, the program does't wait till the file is uploaded and exit the cmd to early...
Any tips or tricks for it?
I use this code to upload a document, starting from a cmd.exe:
\\...SFTP\WinSCP.com "/command" "open sftp://USER:PASS@ftpedi.group.com/home/COMPANY/DATA/IN/" "put \\...\B98_VERBAU_____WMS-VIO____1419.DFD"
When I start it like this, it works and the file gets uploaden. But when I call a exit after the PUT, the program does't wait till the file is uploaded and exit the cmd to early...
Any tips or tricks for it?