Disconnected from FTP server after file uploaded and attempted to reconnect forever
My script synchronizes all files from a local folder to the root of an FTP server. The problem is it doesn't exit after it finishes the synchronization. Instead it keeps saying "Lost connection. Disconnected from server. Copying files to remote side failed." and asks me to choose whether to (A)bort or (R)econnect. If I chose (A)bort, quit the script, and run it again, the script can run and finish without any problem. But if I choose (R)econnect, the "Lost connection .... remote side failed." will appear with the (A)abort or (R)econnect for choice again.
I also tried to upload in the GUI. Same problem. Only that the "Lost connection ..." will show up as a pop-up alert box. However, I didn't have any problem uploading with FileZilla. I asked the support of the FTP server, they couldn't figure out either.
Both the script and log files are attached
I also tried to upload in the GUI. Same problem. Only that the "Lost connection ..." will show up as a pop-up alert box. However, I didn't have any problem uploading with FileZilla. I asked the support of the FTP server, they couldn't figure out either.
Both the script and log files are attached