Automatically connect to SFTP server through an SFTP gateway



Automatically connect to SFTP server through an SFTP gateway


I have the following problem:
I am trying to automate a SFTP session through a SFTP gateway using the following parameters:

target: gatewayserver
user: gw-user, sftp-user@sftpserver:990

Starting the session I am getting asked for the password of gw-user on the gatewayserver.
Typing in the password the login process continues.
Then I am asked for the 2nd password for user sftp-user on sftpserver.
Giving the password the connection is established and put/get files are working.
I have created the cmd export script for the session and this script is working, too, if I fill in the password during the login process.
My current open string for the command without passwords is as follows
open sftp://gw-user,sftp-user@sftpserver:990@gatewayserver
open sftp://gw-user%%2Csftp-user%%40sftpserver%%3A990@gatewayserver
Where do I need to give the two passwords?

Can you help me?

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