action log file
i do have a question i manage to set up automated upload thrue synchronize and i set it up for every 30minutes thats cool and work excelent
but i have i problem from the site i read about possible action taken loging like this winscp3.exe /ini=<inifile> /log=<logfile>
so i set up as you can see belov but in not store any data what i'm doing wrong?? can you help??
and all the files are in the same directory...
C:\linux> /script=synchro.txt /log=logovac_akce.log
batch on
confirm off
transfer automatic
Searching for host...
Connecting to host...
Using username "moja sesna".
Starting the session...
Reading remote directory...
Session started.
Active session: [1] usr@ipadresa
Local 'C:\linux' => Remote '/c:/win'
C:New Text Document.txt | 0 kB | 0,0 kB/s | ascii | 0%
Session 'usr@ipadresa' closed.
No session.
but i have i problem from the site i read about possible action taken loging like this winscp3.exe /ini=<inifile> /log=<logfile>
so i set up as you can see belov but in not store any data what i'm doing wrong?? can you help??
and all the files are in the same directory...
C:\linux> /script=synchro.txt /log=logovac_akce.log
batch on
confirm off
transfer automatic
Searching for host...
Connecting to host...
Using username "moja sesna".
Starting the session...
Reading remote directory...
Session started.
Active session: [1] usr@ipadresa
Local 'C:\linux' => Remote '/c:/win'
C:New Text Document.txt | 0 kB | 0,0 kB/s | ascii | 0%
Session 'usr@ipadresa' closed.
No session.