I use putty puttycac-64bit-0.73.zip from
Currently I connect to the jumphost. On the first connect a key is added to pageant.
From the jumphost I connect to the destination
ssh -A -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ServerAliveInterval=180 -o ServerAliveCountMax=3 user@host
Because I have many hosts behind the jumphost I'd prefer to create sessions in putty that automagically use the jumphost.....
Thank you for helping
So far I tried:
my session is shown in attachment s1.
A connecton should be opened to the destination machine which is behind a jumphost.
the proxy settings are shown in s2.
For proxyhost name i have entered the ip of the jumphost.
The proxy command is
plink.exe %user@%proxyhost -P %proxyport -nc %host:%port
When I open the connection, the output in the session window is:
Starting local proxy command: plink.exe user@ -P 22 -nc
proxy: The server's host key is not cached in the registry. You
proxy: have no guarantee that the server is the computer you
proxy: think it is.
proxy: The server's rsa2 key fingerprint is:
proxy: ssh-rsa 2048 7b:b3:4b:52:23:b0:5b:ff:97:94:b4:17:cb:d0:0a:04
proxy: If you trust this host, enter "y" to add the key to
proxy: PuTTY's cache and carry on connecting.
proxy: If you want to carry on connecting just once, without
proxy: adding the key to the cache, enter "n".
proxy: If you do not trust this host, press Return to abandon the
proxy: connection.
The same output is written to putty.log
I am not asked for my password on the jumphost.
Why do I get the warning about the serers host key?
Description: proxy settings

Description: session settings