WinSCP Scripting and attempting to run via a remote server


WinSCP Scripting and attempting to run via a remote server

I have attached the Log File for the following.
We are attempting to execute to a remote server for a test file using an Execute Process Task in a SSIS .dtsx Package in Microsoft Visual Studio. We are using the remote server because that is the IP Address that we provided to the client that was part of setting up the Secured FTP Connection.They required an IP Address of where their Secured FTP site would be accessed.

So our executable is...
where \\Pclddb03 is our remote server that we can remote into and successfully access WinSCP and the UI and successfully access the Secured FTP site that we are trying to drop our test file via a SSIS Solution running locally in Microsoft Visual Studio.

So first question...can we remotely execute WinSCP commands from a remote server? I'm pretty sure I have done this before. And like I said we can successfully access the Secured FTP site if we remote desktop into PCLDDB03.

The Script task is...
option batch abort
option confirm off
lcd C:\
option transfer binary
put "%1%" "%2%"

And the SSIS Execute Process Task Arguments reads...
/log=C:\WinSCP\WinSCP\logfile.log /script=\\Pclddb03\c$\WinSCP\WinSCP\WinSCPScripts\ValueCentricNPHIPut.txt /parameter "\\\apps\UAT\IRIS\Abbvie\IQVIA\ValueCentric\NPHI\ABB_SRX_EGL_V2_20191130_test.txt" /Home/eaglesftp/Inbound/

The Session Name "" has been created from remote desktop connect to PCLDDB03 and the WinSCP application. (Attached Screen Shot of this as well)

Is this some sort of issue attempting to do this remotely to our PCLDDB03 Server from our local SSIS .dtsx Package? Is this some sort of firewall setting within our remote PCLDDB03 Server? I have accessed the test file from the remote server via remote desktop connect.

Thanks for your review and am hopeful for a reply.

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: WinSCP Scripting and attempting to run via a remote server

Do I understand right that you can access the SFTP server from Pclddb03 host only and not from the "local" machine (where SSIS runs)?

Using \\Pclddb03\c$\WinSCP\WinSCP\ won't help you. It does not give you the connectivity of the Pclddb03. It just "downloads" WinSCP to local machine and runs it in (almost) the same environment as if you were running a local installation of WinSCP. Only this that can differ is that you might have executable-specific firewall rules in place.

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